It starts at the top
Leaders should make it entirely clear that employees‘ suggestions for improvement are appreciated. Additionally, management needs to set up the conditions for bottom-up continuous improvement – such as defining strategic priorities and giving employees easy-to-use tools for sharing and tracking ideas. This enables the cultural transformation that is necessary for sustainable improvement initiatives.

Easy idea submission
Make sure that sharing an idea is quick and easy. Ask your employees to describe where the problem is and how they would solve it, let them add attachments – and it’s done. Boost engagement by installing touch screen kiosks for idea submission in busy places such as production areas, cafeteria or break room.

Feedback and transparency
If an employee doesn’t receive relevant feedback, chances are they won’t be willing to put in the effort again in the future. eKaizen keeps authors in the know by sending notifications about status changes. The author can also easily contact the CI team to ask any questions related to their idea. Moreover, the platform offers several ways of success recognition – e.g. rewards and digital public displays of great projects and those behind them for everyone to see.

Strengthening team spirit
Fostering a culture of continuous improvement is easier in companies with a strong team spirit – where people are used to working together, helping each other and finding inspiration in each other. eKaizen allows people to collaborate on improvement projects; to manage tasks and communicate efficiently. Once improvements are successfully implemented, you can showcase the team members or projects as a form of recognition – and encouragement to others.

Internal marketing
White label all public interfaces and ensure a smooth adoption of the platform. Show everyone that eKaizen is YOUR tool and you are all using it together to improve your company. eKaizen also comes with a set of posters and stickers with QR codes for easy submission. These can have your brand as well and are a great way to increase awareness of the platform (and CI in general). Encourage everyone to be a part of CI in your organization!